BitTorrent Files for #paragon

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Tracker Wide Statistics
Seeds/Peers: 1,857/657 (1:2.83)
Downloads: 157,152,953
Transfer: 314.18 PB

Date   Filename   Size   Seeds   Clients   Speed   DL   Xfer'd  
2006-05-03 12:33[Paragon] Hellsing Ultimate - 01 [DVD][XVID][AAC][26F6C32E].avi499.66 MB000.00 B/s11,1958.41 TB
2006-01-21 09:50[Paragon] Jyu Oh Sei - 01 [D0C54F36].avi348.86 MB000.00 B/s7,0744.02 TB
 Totals848.52 MB00 18,26912.43 TB

IRC Channel:#paragon @ Rizon

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